40 contoh tutorial photoshop efek abstrak dan cahaya (Lighting and Abstract Effects)


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Berikut ini adalah 40 contoh tutorial photoshop khusus untuk efek abstrak dan cahaya (Lighting and Abstract Effects). Ini adalah tutorial terbaru yang kami peroleh selama tahun 2013 yang mudah dipelajari. Silahkan klik link yang anda sukai.


Add Light Streaks to a Photo with Photoshop


Flaming Car in Photoshop

Flaming Car in Photoshop

The Revolution Artwork

The Revolution Artwork

Create Dynamic Lighting Using Custom Brushes in Photoshop

Create Dynamic Lighting Using Custom Brushes in Photoshop

Compositing Tutorial – Colors and Light Effects


Beautiful Lady with Flowing Light Effects


Burning Wishes – Abstract Photoshop Tutorial



Sparkling Hot Girl in Photoshop


Fiery Photoshop Space Explosion Tutorial

Fiery Photoshop Space Explosion Tutorial

Really Cool Eclipse Effect in Photoshop

Really Cool Eclipse Effect in Photoshop

Electrifying Glow Album Art

Electrifying Glow Album Art

Mastering Light Effects


Luminescent Lines

Luminescent Lines

Creating Light Motion Trails & Glowing Sparks


Super Slick Dusky Lighting Effects in Photoshop

Super Slick Dusky Lighting Effects in Photoshop

Create a Space Explosion from Scratch in Photoshop

Create a Space Explosion from Scratch in Photoshop

Add a Sparkle Trail to a Photo with Photoshop

Add a Sparkle Trail to a Photo with Photoshop

Space Lighting Effects in 10 Steps

Space Lighting Effects in 10 Steps

Seriously Cool Photoshop Explosion Effect

Seriously Cool Photoshop Explosion Effect

Advance Glow Effects

Advance Glow Effects

MSNBC Style Effect

MSNBC Style Effect

Super Fast – Speed Lighting Effect

Super Fast - Speed Lighting Effect

Fire Lines Photoshop Tutorial

Fire Lines Photoshop Tutorial

Dazzling Photoshop Smoke Unicorn Tutorial

Dazzling Photoshop Smoke Unicorn Tutorial

Creating Smoke

Creating Smoke

End of the World Photo Manipulation

End of the World Photo Manipulation


Design a Coldplay/Apple Inspired Portrait in Photoshop

Design a Coldplay/Apple Inspired Portrait in Photoshop

Magic Lighting Effect in Photoshop

Magic Lighting Effect in Photoshop

Classic Light Effect in Photoshop

Classic Light Effect in Photoshop

Old Signage in Photoshop 3D

Old Signage in Photoshop 3D

80s Christmas Artwork in Photoshop

80s Christmas Artwork in Photoshop

RAWZ Light Effects in Photoshop

RAWZ Light Effects in Photoshop

Light Effect Text Button

Light Effect Text Button

Create a Rocking Silhouette in Photoshop

Create a Rocking Silhouette in Photoshop

Using Custom Photoshop Brushes to Create an Immersive Lighting Effect

Using Custom Photoshop Brushes to Create an Immersive Lighting Effect

Create a Trendy Galactic Poster Design in Photoshop

Create a Trendy Galactic Poster Design in Photoshop

Abstract Lighting Effects

Abstract Lighting Effects

Drawing an Abstract Lightbulb

Drawing an Abstract Lightbulb

Create a Simple Vibrant Light Effect in Photoshop

Create a Simple Vibrant Light Effect in Photoshop

Chroma Wallpapers

Chroma Wallpapers


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11 thoughts on “40 contoh tutorial photoshop efek abstrak dan cahaya (Lighting and Abstract Effects)

  1. gan, yang untuk desain Autocad ada ga?
    gw soalnya jurusan T.sipil
    tapi udah dari pas SMK sih suka Editing 🙂
    kasih pencerahannya ya

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